Cynthia Fuhrer

Artist Statement
No being exists in isolation. We know now we are not separate from the natural world, we are intrinsically connected to it. We are constantly presented evidence of the world changing, protesting changes that we are causing. The world is losing forests and animals at an alarming rate. Starving and displaced wildlife are an alarm, a wake up call, for a future in which we create a struggle for ourselves to survive. No matter how dressed up we are, we are biological creatures, and our environment effects our well being as it does the smallest of insects and largest of animals. If it effects one, it effects all. 

With large scale paintings, my work proposes a mythical framework for the depiction of human beings in the wild, connected and responsible to a diverse community of plant and animal inhabitants. The tropes of historical painting post-Renaissance through the Romantic period, and into 19th century Modernism provide the framework for me to picture a tableaux that captures the symbiotic presence of these enlightened spirit beings. The figures are presented as a formally composed portrait; directing their gaze, confronting and acknowledging the viewer. Human presence is juxtaposed in a natural setting with mythical animals where children stand with fortitude alongside sacred creatures, sharing the burdens of a history that is left to them. The subjects are depicted as guardians of a shared landscape, invoking a positive coexistence and perhaps a glimpse into a sustainable future




2001-3 University of Alberta, M.F.A. in Painting, Edmonton, AB
2000-1 University of Guelph, M.F.A. in Painting, Guelph, ON
1997-9 Extracurricular Courses: University of Alberta
1994-7 University of Alberta, B.F.A., Edmonton, AB
1992-4 Grant MacEwan Community College, Fine Art Diploma, Edmonton, AB





2019                                                      EAC Project Grant
2018                                                      EAC Project Grant

2012 Edmonton Artist Council, CIP Project Grant
2010 Edmonton Artist Trust Fund, Project Grant
2008 Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Project Grant

Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Project Grant

Edmonton Arts Council, Project Grant


Canada Council Visual Arts, Travel Grant

Edmonton Artist Trust Fund: Travel Grant

Alberta Foundation for the Arts: Project Grant

2004 Canada Council Visual Arts: Creation/Production Grant

Alberta Heritage Graduate Scholarship

Florence Andison Friedman Award

2000 University of Guelph, Delpha Award


Solo Exhibitions

2019             Splendid String, Bleeding Hearts AC, Edmonton
                      Splendid String, AGSA, St. Albert, AB
                      Splendid String, Multicultural Centre, Stony Plain, AB






I Make My Own Friends, Harcourt House Gallery, Edmonton, AB, January – February
2008 Abyss Bliss, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, AB
2007 It was the Biggest Brick You Could Have Thrown, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, AB



Recent Shootings – Faces and Figures, Scott Gallery, Edmonton, AB

Strict Machine, Fringe Gallery, Edmonton, AB

If this mouth could talk….Harcourt House Gallery, Edmonton, AB

2003 Go a Progress, MFA graduate show, FAB Gallery, U of A, Edmonton, AB
2001 Dank; Zavitz Gallery, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
2000 Catharsis; Harcourt House Public Gallery, Edmonton, AB


Group Exhibitions



2011-12 Lost and Found, Art Gallery of St. Albert, St. Albert, AB, December 2011- January 2012
2008 Worse things have happened to better people, Works Festival, Stollery Gallery, Edmonton

TURF, Peter Robertson Gallery, Edmonton, AB

Free for All, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

2006 Neither Here Nor There, ArtsHab Gallery, Edmonton, AB
2005 ‘Collections – FINA Faculty’, University of Kelowna, Kelowna, BC
2003 Fast Forward, FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
2002 Just Desserts, FAB Gallery, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

2+ Headed Projects; Zavitz Gallery, U of G, Guelph, ON

The Helpless Academics; Zavitz Gallery, U of G, Guelph, ON


Curious Hybrids; Douglas Udell Gallery, Vancouver, BC

Fresh Meat; Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, AB


Teaching and other Art Related Experience

·       Owner/Instructor: Picasso’s Playhouse Dayhome and MonkeeHaus Art School, 2013-2017

·       Instructor: Lion’s Club, Edmonton, AB, 2016

·       Instructor: Figurative Drawing, GMCC Outreach, Edmonton, AB, 1999-2009

·       Lead Artist: Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts, Edmonton, AB, 2007-2010

·       Instructor: Portrait Drawing, GMCC Outreach, Edmonton, AB, 2007

·       Gallery Assistant: Peter Robertson Gallery, Edmonton, AB, 2006-2007

·       Preparator Assistant: Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2006-2007

·       Art Education Chair: Harcourt House, Edmonton, AB, 2005 (Volunteer)

·       Instructor: Figurative Drawing and Painting, Harcourt House, Edmonton, 2004-2005

·       Gallery Assistant: Scott Gallery, Edmonton, AB, 2004-2006

·       Assistant: various art courses, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2002-2003

·       Visual Art Coordinator: Other Voices Magazine (Volunteer), Edmonton, AB, 2002

·       Instructor: Visual Foundations, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2001

·       Instructor: Visual Studies II (Foundations), University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, 2001

·       Print Study Archivist: Bachinski-Chu Print Study Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, 2000

·       Gallery Assistant: Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, AB, 1999


Publications and Reviews

·       “Exhibit captures joy of rediscovery”, Janice Ryan, Edmonton Journal, December 20, 2011

·       “Artists find themselves at AGSA exhibit”, Glenn Cook, St. Albert Leader, December 1, 2011

·       “Flakes fascinate photographer”, Scott Hayes, St. Albert Gazette, November 30, 2011

·       “Familiar decay”, Carolyn Jervis, VUE Magazine, Jan 13-18, 2011

·       “Following Her Bliss”, Jill and Mandy, SEE Magazine, December 18, 2008

·       “You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Be Arrr-ty!”, Amy Fung, Vue Weekly, July 2007

·       “A showcase for ‘challenging’ art”, Gilbert Bouchard, Edmonton Journal, July 18 2007

·       “Purging Pain Through Art”, Gilbert Bouchard, Edmonton Journal, Dec 29 2006

·       “Cynthia Gardiner’s Body of Work”, Barbara Dacks, Legacy Magazine, Winter Issue 2006

·       “Postmodern Touches”, Gilbert Bouchard, Edmonton Journal, January 27 2006

·       “Shapes in the Shadows”, Agnieszka Matejko, Vue Weekly, January 19 2006

·       “Portraits of the Artists” Mari Sasano, Edmonton Journal, June 24 2005

·       “Artist in Touch with Mortality”, Gilbert Bouchard, Edmonton Journal, February 18 2005

·       “Matter of timing for these artists”, Gilbert Bouchard, Edmonton Journal, , December 12 2003

·       “Fuhrer Sticks With the Art Gig”, Mike Winters, See Magazine., August 17 2000

·       “Fresh Meat at Douglas Udell” Ed Charles, Edmonton Journal, May 5 2000


Public Art Projects

Alberta   Avenue Revitalization Project, Permanent Installation, 3 images selected for granite installation on
118th Avenue, Edmonton, AB


Public Art Collections

Alberta Foundation for the Arts

 Cynthia is represented by the Front Gallery in Edmonton

Cynthia’s work is included in private collections in Canada, the US, and the UK.